Partnerships and Cooperation

At the National Level

At the National Level

Institutional partners

The Ministry of Transport (MINT)
Ministere des finances cameroun
The Ministry of Finance (MINFI) Cameroon
The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT)
Partenaires institutionnels APN
The Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MINEPDED)
The Ministry of Commerce (MINCOMMERCE)

Institutional partners

Partenaires institutionnels APN - Guichet Unique
The One Stop Shop for Foreign Trade Operations (GUCE)
Partenaires institutionnels APN
The Cameroon Industrial Shipyard (CNIC)
The Cameroon National Shippers Council (CNSC)
The Directorate General of Customs (DGI)
The National Trade Facilitation Committee
Partenaires institutionnels APN
The Port Authority of Douala (PAD)
The Port Authority of Kribi (PAK)
Port Autonome de Limbe
The Port Authority of Limbe (PAL)
Port Autonome de Limbe
The Port of Garoua (PG)
Régie du Terminal à Conteneurs (RTC)
The Container Terminal Management Unit (RTC)


The Union of Consignees and shipowners of Cameroun (UCAM)
The Cameroonian Group of Maritime Professionals (GCPM) ;
The Union of Authorized Custom Agents and Freight Forwarders of Cameroon (SCADTC)
Cameroon Employers Organization (GICAM)
The National Union of Transport and Transit Auxiliaries (SYNAUTRATRA)
The Union of Cameroon Freight Forwarders, Transporters and Stevedores (SYNTRAC)
Cameroon Professional Association of Stevedores (GPAC)
At the international level

At the international level

Institutional partners

The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Académie Régionale des Sciences et Technique de la Mer (ARSTM)
The Regional Academy of Marine Science and Technology (ARSTM)
Régional Maritime University (RMU)
The Regional Maritime University (RMU)
Organisation Maritime de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (OMAOC)
The Maritime Organisation of West and Central Africa (MOWCA)


Association Internationale Ville et Ports (AIVP)
The International Association of Cities and Ports (AIVP)
Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime (AISM) ;
The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
Association de Gestion des Ports de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (AGPAOC)
The Ports Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA)
Women in Maritime in Africa (WIMAFRICA)
Women in Maritime Africa (WIMAFRICA)
International Association of Ports and Harbour (IAPH)
the International Association of Ports and Harbour (IAPH)
Crans Montana Forum
The Crans Montana Forum
Africa Forum for Utility Regulartors (AFUR)
The Africa Forum for Utility Regulartors (AFUR)
Association Camerounaise de Droit Maritime ACDM)
The Cameroon’s Association of Maritime Law (ACDM)